September 2022: G0 Flight Test
Si è svolta sull’aeroporto di Valbrembo (BG) LILV la missione di volo “G0flight” con traiettorie paraboliche per la sperimentazione di microgravità.
Ai comandi del Cessna 152 il Com.te Vittorio Braghiroli con il supporto a terra di Henry Avila Ordoñez, Luigi Terruzzi e Alessandro Barazzetti.
I risultati ottenuti nelle 8 parabole nell’arco dei 40 minuti di volo confermano i dati presenti in letteratura: i collaudi in volo proseguiranno celermente nei prossimi mesi.
Grazie a QBT Sagl e a Cantor Air IT.ATO.0004 per il supporto logistico

April 2022: SciAdv partner of the project ASCLEPIOS ( ) – ASCLEPIOS II Mission
Imagined in August 2019, Asclepios was born as a Space@yourService initiative project, which aims at organizing a student-led space analogue mission simulating a mission on another celestial body. It is the first initiative worldwide of a space analogue mission totally made by students, for students in collaboration with academic institutions, scientists as well as the industry. Asclepios is now an independent association recognized by EPFL. Accordingly, this project is open to everybody, as long as you are passionate about space sciences and feel ready to commit yourself to this adventure! After the success of our first mission, we are now ready to launch our second mission in July 2022!

March 2022: SciAdv was granted by Innosuisse with a Innocheque for the project “Microgravity Research Platform” in collaboration with Supsi Memti department. Now work in progress on the aircraft, the rack and proud to have an experiment from Basel University aboard!

September 2021: SciAdv with QBT and RINA performs a field test of the READ technology on board the Nave La Suprema of Grandi Navi Veloci

September 2021: Zero-G project goes on. Supsi’s student Alessandro Folloni graduated with a thesis job about Zero-G flight entitled “Studio e ottimizzazione meccanica di un telaio da inserire in un aereo per realizzare prove di microgravità con volo parabolico.” – Relatore Prof. Matteo Dotta

June 2021: A new step in the READ Real Estate Advisory drone project:

May 2021: The project for the Microgravity Research Platform officially started

April 2021: This morning guests at Ludes Lugano Campus for the interview with Prof. #AlessandroBarazzetti and Prof. #JacekMarczyk. Link to the post on Linkedin
March 2021: Alessandro Barazzetti gave an interview to Ticino Online on the Real Estate Advisory Drone theme, thanks to Ated

February 2021: UCM – United Campus of Malta Italia with Ontonix and SCIENCE ADVENTURE proposes the Course APPLICATIONS OF COMPLEXITY THEORY IN MEDICINE that will start in May.
Follow this link for details and to apply.
Download the program here
January 2021: The research activity that will lead to the definition of a comfort index for aircraft (and not only), thanks to the collaboration between Ontonix – SCIENCE ADVENTURE – QBT Sagl – UCM – United Campus of Malta Italia , continues. Read the first results of data analysis with QCM, carried out on a C172 of the #aeroclubcomo in this post.

October, 2020: Kick-off meeting of the project Smart Flight Index that was born in the R&D field from a collaboration between Ontonix, QBT, Science Adventure and the UCM Lugano Campus university. Using sensors placed on board an aircraft, the complexity profiles of the various parameters will be studied to investigate the possibility of defining an aircraft cabin comfort index to be applied as a certification method for different classes of aircraft. The tests will take place at the Aeroclub

In the picture: Ing. Alessandro Barazzetti (Qbt sagl), Ing. Jacek Marczyk (Ontonix srl) and Avv. Federico Barazzetti (Studio Legale Barazzetti)
September, 2020: Science Adventure project Real Estate Advisory Drone, in collaboration with QBT Sagl and SUPSI, granted by INNOSUISSE.